Behind the scenes
The Nitty Gritty about the business of wines
Most people enjoy their glass of wine. They sniff it, swirl it, drink it and expound about it's amazing or not so amazing attributes. The business of wine is not as simple as just growing the grapes, bottling them and shipping them to be consumed. There is a lot involved in getting that amazing bottle from the ground to your table.
In this section, we offer some interesting facts for those wanting to know why the wines vary so much and what goes into make great wines. We cover interesting facts about distribution and compliance laws as this is considered a controlled substance by the states. We try to keep this site updated on interesting industry changes due to favorable and not so favorable laws. This is one industry where states rights and laws drive the compliance.

AGRICULTURE To start, it is all about agriculture. Yes, the winery owners are farmers. They deal heavily with soil chemistry, water, fertilizer, pest and fungus control, climate, climatic events, etc. There is far more than just simply planting some grapes, watering the vines and hoping for the best.

HARVEST & CRUSH Everyone loves the harvest fest when wineries harvest the grapes and the wonderful fall celebrations associated with it. Harvesting grapes has it's own special and scientific ways to ensure the grapes are not damaged and are usable.
BARRELS TO BOTTLES Processing the juice from the grapes, deciding on fermentation, non-fermentation or type of fermentation, mastering the wine and bottling the wine. Did you know there is compliance requirements on labels and the information on a labels?

DISTRIBUTION AND FREIGHT Distribution, sales and freight requirements vary by state. In this section, we cover some overview and interesting facts for various states. As a controlled substance, there are rules about who can and cannot ship to whom, when, how and where. As the wine business and consumer demand expand, more states are open to shipping to the consumer or allowing easier access to wine.
THE PERFECT WINE How to make the perfect wine....Well, maybe not.... Let's face it, there is no perfect way to make the perfect wine for all people. Everyone is uniquely made with their own experiences, cultures, likes and dislikes.
Here we discuss miscellaneous topics not covered under another area. We discovered there are some interesting techniques, new twists and the tried and true. Things to think about and ponder.
Disclaimer of Knowing Much or Being Knowledgeable
Our site is to relay interesting information and entertaining tidbits about the industry only. By no means are we considered knowledgeable about the wine industry or the topics we link to or talk about. We leave the knowledge as well as handling of the heavy equipment to those that actually have the know - how and experience.
We hope to enlighten others of the effort that goes into each drop of wine. We try to highlight the amazing, real people that produce this agricultural fruit and the products that are made from that fruit.
We don't believe you will agree with us on our opinion on wine, so, we don't give it but simply ask those who happen to be in the tasting room at the time. We offer tasting notes from the wine makers. We realize that wine can be very expensive. In hopes to help you focus on the types of wines and wineries you might best like, we offer humbly this information. It might encourage some to try wines they never would before. We do not endorse any particular wine, wine site, winemaker, wine retailer or winery. We do not receive anything for free..bummer...